Catalyst: The Soundtrack of Australia — Eavesdropping on wetland birds
Environmental-sound recordings, such as a recording of the dawn chorus of wetland birds, can be used to assess floodwater damage.
The Australasian bitterns’ breeding habits, captured via sound recordings, were crucial in monitoring the management and resurgence of the wetlands in southern New South Wales.
The Soundtrack of Australia
For Full Episodes (Episode 1 and 2): Click Here
Episode 1: The Sounds We Can Hear (Australia is a stunning country, but we seldom tune in our ears to how it sounds. Over two episodes, Dr Ann Jones explores how it’s made, what messages it carries and how humans are harnessing its power).
Episode 2: The Sounds We Can’t Hear (Australia is a stunning country but we seldom listen to how it sounds. Dr Ann Jones is on an audio odyssey gathering iconic recordings of Australia. We examine the sounds we can’t hear and those that break the rules. (Final)).